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Chapter Title Book
Table of Contents Front of the Book
1 - The Land Where We Live Chapter 1
2 - North Carolina's Economy Chapter 2
3 - Governing Our State Chapter 3
4 - The Natives and Newcomers Chapter 4
5 - The Early Settlement of North Carolina Chapter 5
6 - A Revolutionary Generation Chapter 6
7 - The Antebellum Era Chapter 7
8 - A Growing United States Grows Less United Chapter 8
9 - Civil War and Reconstruction Chapter 9
10 - The Industrial Transition Chapter 10
11 - Patterns of Progress Chapter 11
12 - The Great Depression and the Big War Chapter 12
13 - Spreading Prosperity and Equality Chapter 13
14 - Stars on the National Stage Chapter 14
15 - A New Century for North Carolina Chapter 15
Atlas Atlas
Appendix Appendix
Glossary Glossary
Index and Credits Index and Credits