Georgia Studies for Georgia Students 8 (print edition)
Clairmont Press is excited to present Georgia Studies for Georgia Students 8. Our textbook aligns 100% with the Georgia Standards for Excellence and will assist teachers who want their students to learn more and at higher levels of thinking.
The book is written in an interesting narrative style and is enhanced with carefully chosen photographs, illustrations, maps, graphs, and charts. Students have the opportunity to engage with informational text and then use the information to clarify and expand their thinking with a variety of ancillary materials. The readability is appropriate for eighth graders, and the array of teacher materials will assist educators with differentiating instruction for all learners.
The student textbook includes: content aligned to the standards; atlas, maps, graphs, charts, political cartoons; interesting Special Features; online components including online textbook, PowerPoint presentations, QuickNotes, Internet Activities, Puzzles, Guided Reading, and Audio Book!
Teacher materials include: Teacher WrapAround edition with strategies to address various learning styles and needs, structured group work, class discussion, using photographs and charts, and technology-based activities. Online Teacher Tech includes: online Teacher Wraparound Edition • Lesson Plans • Power Point Presentation/Quick Notes • Graphic Organizers • Rubrics • Visual Aids • Workbook Answers • Smart Reading • Guided Reading and Answers • Document - Based Learning • Smart Skills • Wrap-Up Games.
Students, click the Login button below to access the MyStateHistory website. Teachers will receive a user name and password for students when they register for Teacher Tech access (see Teacher Tech section below).
To purchase, download using the link below.